2 essential steps to automate scheduling and maximize employee satisfaction.

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In today’s fast-paced environment, organizations need to optimize their operations to remain competitive. One segment that can greatly benefit from digitization is work shift scheduling. Optimizing shift work can not only improve employee satisfaction but also increase productivity and reduce costs.

In this article, we will detail two essential steps to automate shift scheduling and maximize employee satisfaction.

Step 1: Digitize the work schedule planning process

Digitization is the first essential step in automating the work schedule planning process. With technology, organizations can simplify and streamline their planning processes, leading to increased efficiency and accuracy. By implementing automated scheduling software, organizations can reduce the time and effort required to create a shift schedule.

shiftin is one such automated shift scheduling software that accompanies organizations to digitize their current scheduling process. It is an innovative solution that reveals the potential for optimizing their capacity distribution and identifies levels of optimization within the process and human capital. 

With shiftin, you can create work schedules in minutes and manage them in real-time.

Digitalization also helps eliminate human error, leading to fewer scheduling conflicts and more accurate shift distribution. This, in turn, can lead to better employee satisfaction and reduced turnover rates. By implementing digitization, organizations can also reduce costs associated with scheduling, such as overtime pay, by optimizing shift allocation.

Step 2: Optimize shift work by involving employees

The second essential step in automating shift scheduling is involving employees in the scheduling process. By giving employees more control over their schedules, organizations can increase employee satisfaction and reduce turnover. Optimizing shift work can be achieved by giving employees access to their schedules via a mobile app or web portal, allowing them to view and manage their schedules from anywhere.

Another way to involve employees in the scheduling process is to allow them to submit their preferred schedules or shift preferences. This can help ensure that employees are assigned shifts that fit their lifestyles and preferences, leading to increased job satisfaction. In addition, informing employees in advance of their schedule can help them plan their personal lives and reduce the stress associated with last-minute changes.

Effective communication is also key to ensuring employee satisfaction. By using a centralized scheduling system, organizations can communicate with employees about upcoming shifts, schedule changes, and other important information. This can help reduce miscommunication and ensure that employees are always informed and up to date.

Optimizing shift work through digitalization and employee engagement can have a significant impact on employee satisfaction, productivity, and costs. By implementing an automated shift scheduling software solution such as shiftin and involving employees in the scheduling process, organizations can create more accurate work schedules, reduce conflict, and increase employee satisfaction.

How can shiftin help you in this process?

First, we digitize the current planning process together – we bring all the key elements for scheduling into shiftin. After that, we optimize, we accompany you in identifying tracks to optimize the scheduled hours so that an increase in profitability in relation to productivity is achieved.

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