Streamline your shift scheduling with a HR payroll software

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You have a dedicated HR team, yet you’re plagued by people admin? The absence of precise data about your personnel is making you irritated? How do you keep tabs on your spending, time spent on various tasks and the results you’re getting as a consequence? Is your capacity to manage, engage, and pay your people affected? These are just a few of the issues that HR professionals deal with on a daily basis, especially if they do not have a HR payroll software put in place. 

Everything is made simpler with shiftin app. With our cloud-based shift scheduling app, you’ll have access to all of your centralised data in beautiful reports whenever you need it, no matter where you are. 

Why do organisations use HR payroll software, in general?

HR payroll software is used by millions of businesses around the world to simplify and manage employee remuneration.

  • Accuracy and timeliness. Paying employees can be difficult and time consuming, especially with mergers, acquisitions, and new hires. Payroll management software helps organisations ensure employees are paid correctly and on time, fostering employee trust and confidence.
  • Transparency. Personnel costs are the single largest expense for most businesses. HR payroll software connects with other business areas such as finance and accounting, allowing firms to stay on budget, produce timely reports, and plan for the future.
  • Adaptability and scalability. When a company’s needs change, payroll management software makes it simple to adjust. When a new office opens in a new location with new taxes and regulations, for example, the software automatically absorbs the new requirements, eliminating the need to manually enter data for each employee.
  • More time to devote to higher-level work. HR payroll software, as compared to manual and obsolete alternatives, can save businesses hours per month, time that could be better spent on other important business projects.

shiftin and HR payroll software – resemblance

A HR payroll software is simple to set up and use. You may manage your payroll from any location at any time after you’re up and running. All you need is access to the internet. Furthermore, our frequent software updates will keep you up to speed and in compliance with the most recent payroll legislation. 

shiftin, as a shift scheduling app, has also a module that works like a payroll management software, in the sense that the timesheet is automatically in synchronisation with the Time & Attendance module and is directly sent to the payroll department of a company.

shiftin – Time & Attendance Module

Other advantages of using shiftin, a scheduling app with time & attendance tracker may include:

  • With automatic attendance tracking, you get valuable data that can help you reduce the time spent on introducing it manually and reallocate this time to valuable business growth activities.
  • Good payroll management software reduces turnover and absenteeism. Employees want to stay and grow with the company.
  • Easy employee shift scheduling: HR payroll software makes it simple to automatically schedule work, manage attendance, and synchronise workflow.
  • Automation of workflows eliminates the need for a paper spreadsheet or a complicated template. 
  • Smooth leave and attendance management: keeping track of vacation days, sick leave, absences, holidays, etc.
  • Payroll management and accounting are made easier with HR payroll software.
  • No more buddy punching: easily track employee work hours.
  • Attendance tracking is about improving their efficiency, productivity, and time management.

Automated employee time attendance apps can help companies eliminate daily lost productivity and recapture more than hundreds of thousands Euros in annual wages. 

shiftin can help you with managing the shift scheduling and, due to its Time & Attendance module. Enter our website and book a free trial, right away!